Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Countries need laws. Schools need rules and regulations. Banks need policies. Families itself need to have some set of regulations (in most cases it is an agreed set of an unwritten regulations for members of the family to abide). For instance is a curfew agreement between parents and their children. Even every individual has an unwritten law for itself. We set standard for our self. Our dreams or vision for our self improvement made us to do something or restrict from doing something that we believe will help/hinder in achieving it.

Laws evolve. As society change, be it retrogressed or developed, so as the laws of the land. Laws can be predetermined, but the best basis to craft a law is the present situation. Laws are being repealed or modified to respond accordingly based on whatever political, socio-economic or societal change a country is experiencing. The best example was the September 11, 2001 bombing of the Word Trade Center in New York City. Shocked and horrified by such wanton act of terrorism, many countries around the world reevaluated their respective anti-terrorism law.

Is law important? Precisely! Take a look of our society today. There are many laws being imposed, from environment protection to anti terrorism just to make our world safe to live in. Despite having all these laws, however, our society has endless problems. Just imagine if we do not have one.

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